Hello, and thank you for visiting our page. We would like to introduce you to our young friend Claudia. We met Claudia on one of our mission trips to Haiti.

While ministering and doing food distribution there in Haiti we met Claudia, her family and some of her friends. Instantly we knew that we had to garner support for situation.

Claudia suffered an accident that required that one of her legs be amputated. The amputation saved her life. But some struggles for every day needs still proceed. Despite her disability she has manage to find a ray of sunshine in each day. Her smile is the beacon of light that carries her family into each new day.

Claudia is truly a survivor and a fighter. We are looking to collect donations to provide a better life and a brighter future for this young lady and her family. Each donation how small can help Claudia and her family have food, shelter and purchase school supplies so that she and her brother can eat and attend school.

Let’s pull together and help Claudia have a brighter future. No matter how small. Every bit helps. Please click the link below. Thank you and may God Bless you.

Please click here to donate for Claudia

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